Saturday, October 29, 2011

OTH The Final Script!

The Famous Tree Hill Bridge & Myself
from my trip to Wilmington Aug. 2011
Sophia Bush & I on my trip to
Wilmington in Aug. 2011
Hey One Tree Hill Fans,
Screen Gem Studios From My
Trip To Wilmington in Aug. 2011
I know yesterday was a bit of a reality check when we read Shantel's tweet! "@TheRealShantel With tears in my eyes I sit down to read THE LAST episode of this epic show! Thnx Mark!" I was sitting in the Doctors office while I recieved that tweet! My surgeon's office non the less! But, we can be sad, disappointed, even mad that 'OUR' show is ending. We can also take away from this AMAZING life altering, TV show known as 'The Little Show That Could' One Tree Hill & turn it into a positive moment in 'OUR' lives. Each fan has a different story why they love the show, what it's done for the personally, how it's changed their life, and why they don't want the show to end. So I started thinking and I came up with let's celebrate One Tree Hill, Lets continue to bond more and celebrate One Tree Hill lasting nine seasons! Post comments, pictures, letters to the cast, whatever you want to post here on my blog in celebration of One Tree Hill. Let's NOT mope, be sad, and feel angry about the show ending. LET'S CELEBRATE!!! One Tree Hill will live on in 'OUR' lives FOREVER NO MATTER WHAT!!!! So get to posting here and express your celebration and your love for One Tree Hill!!! Ok OTH Family, post away! anything you want! 
Much Love,
Melanie XO

Shantel's Picture Posted on her Twitter Account of THE LAST SCRIPT"

Our Beloved Cast, James, Sophia, Joy, Lee, Antwon, Austin, Shantel, Jana, & Rob


  1. I really love what you wrote :)
    You're right, we have to celebrate, that Mark gave us 9 amazing seasons filled with so much Love!
    i'm sad that OTH will end, but I'm happy we had 9 wonderful seasons! Aand that's such a gift.
    "Every song has an ending, but is that the reason to not enjoy the music?"- Peyton Sawyer

    Love your Blog, xoxo Louisaoth

  2. Louisa,
    Thank You, SO much! Mark and the cast gave a PHENOMENAL performance in every episode and every season! We should celebrate and remember what we fell in love with & why it touched our hearts! Thank You Mark!

    I love your Blog Louisa!!! XOXOXO <3
